Tattoo Aftercare Instructions

  • It is essential your new tattoo is kept clean, allowed to breathe, and the skin kept slightly moist during the healing process. We have outlined the general instructions on caring for your tattoo.
  • To prevent infection, ALWAYS wash your hands before handling a fresh tattoo.
  • Wash the tattooed area, 2-3 times a day (morning, night, and once more if possible), using an antibacterial soap with warm water. Use either a paper towel or clean towel to gently pat the tattoo dry.
  • After each wash, apply an ointment such as A&D, Aquaphor, Cetaphil, or a product designed for tattoo aftercare such as Hustle Butter, Tattoo Goo, etc. Less is more, so only a thin layer is needed.
  • DO NOT use antibiotic ointment like Neosporin. It will pull out the ink.
  • You may switch to a non-scented lotion after the tattoo begins to feel itchy and dry.
  • DO NOT expose your tattoo to any standing water (i.e. baths, pools, ocean, lakes, rivers, large puddles, etc.). You can still shower, just try not to let your fresh tattoo stay in the stream of water for any longer than it takes to wash it.
  • Getting a tattoo causes damage to the topmost layer of skin. As the tattoo heals, this layer will begin to flake and peel. You will see the tattoo colors in the flakes of skin. This is perfectly normal! Your tattoo is NOT flaking off. The tattoo is actually in the second layer of skin, the dermis. The epidermis, or topmost skin layer, will regrew fresh, new skin over your tattoo.
  • DO NOT expose your tattoo to sunlight. Apply SPF 45 or greater sunscreen to the area after the initial healing period when in the sun to protect the color from fading.
  • If you have any questions about caring for your new tattoo, please feel free to contact us!

Second-Skin Bandage Instructions

  • To make things more hygienic, you may be provided with a second-skin bandage. Second-skin bandages lock in the moisture your body needs to heal quickly, reduce peeling, and eliminate dryness and scabbing on your tattoo. They also keep water, dirt, germs, and bacteria away from your fresh tattoo.
  • Your artist will apply the bandage. This bandage should only be left on for 48 hours max. If you have a color tattoo, you may need to remove it sooner.
  • The second skin bandage will typically develop a bubble of fluid (plasma, blood, ink). If your tattoo has brighter colors, and you can no longer see the tattoo through the bubble, then go ahead and remove the bandage. If your tattoo is black and grey, then it is okay to leave the bubble intact even if you cannot see the tattoo through it.
  • If you spring a leak within the first 24 hours, the bandage can usually be resealed. To reseal, use clean hands and clean paper towel to squeeze the fluid buildup out of the spot that is leaking. Once all the fluid is gone, the bandage usually reseals within 30 minutes.
  • Do NOT remove your bandage until the next day. Removing it too soon can cause unnecessary additional trauma to the area.
  • Second skin bandages are easiest to remove in warm water (either in the sink or shower). When removing, peel with the skin. Not against the skin (like 3m tape).
  • Once the bandage is off, wash the tattoo with antibacterial soap. Pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel.
  • At this point you will either start regular tattoo aftercare, or you can apply a second bandage. If you are applying a second bandage, please follow the manufacturer’s directions for application.
  • If you do have an allergy to the bandage, it will become extremely itchy with the first hour of application. Redness is common and does not indicate a reaction. Sometimes the body swells more after the bandage is applied since you will be up and moving again. This will make the bandage feel tight and look more red. This is normal. Ice and anti-inflammatory medications can be used to ease discomfort.
  • If you have any questions about caring for your new tattoo, please feel free to contact us!

Touch Up Policy

We do provide one courtesy touch-up on our tattoos within six months. After six months or after the first touch up, you will have to pay for any further touch ups. We reserve the right to refuse the courtesy touch-up in the following circumstances:

  • If we have advised against a certain placement (side of fingers, palm, side of foot, behind ear, etc.) then you will have to pay for any touch ups.
  • If you did not follow after care instructions by exposing your tattoo to adverse environments (sun exposure, pools, hot tubs, baths, etc.) then you will have to pay for your touch ups.
  • If you used products not advised for use on a fresh tattoo during the healing process (A&D ointment, triple antibiotic, neosporin, diaper cream, Vaseline etc.) then you will have to pay for your touch ups. If you are unsure if a certain product is okay to use on your tattoo, please ask your artist or contact the manufacturer for more information .

In some rare instances, we will offer additional courtesy touch-ups. This is usually reserved for circumstances beyond anyone’s control that negatively impact the healing of a tattoo (ie. getting sick during the healing process, severe injuries or surgery that result in scar tissue on the tattoo, etc.). These circumstantial touch-ups are up to the artist’s discretion.